KJU Meets with KPA Medics

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) met with Korean People’s Army [KPA] medics who assisted in Pyongyang-based COVID-19 relief and security efforts at the 25 April House of Culture in Pyongyang on 18 August (Thursday). The meeting was convened after some of the officers and servicemembers departed Pyongyang after pandemic emergency orders were lifted. KJU felt this was not a proper send-off and assembled the KPA medics for a laudatory speech and commemorative photo session.
Among those coming out to the platform for the event were Minister of National Defense VMar Ri Yong Gil (Ri Yo’ng-kil), Chief of the KPA General Staff Gen. Ri Thae Sop (Ri T’ae-sop), KPA General Political Bureau [GPB] Director Gen. Jong Kyong Thaek (Cho’ng Kyo’ng-t’aek), Military Security Command Director Gen. Jo Kyong Chol (Cho Kyo’ng-ch’o’l), 1st Vice Minister of National Defense Colonel-General Kwon Thae Yong (Kwo’n T’ae-yo’ng) and other senior command staff of the defense ministry, GPB and KPA General Logistics Department [GLD].

KJU delivered a speech which was greeted by meeting participants with “enthusiastic cheers with tears of emotion in their eyes, looking up to him who put ordinary soldiers forward as front line medics and combat heroes.” After the meeting KJU had a backstage photo-op with KPA medics “who performed distinguished feats in the capital anti-epidemic struggle.”

KJU “shook hands with them one by one and recognized their service…they greatly contributed to further stirring up the fine communist virtues and traits throughout society by devoting themselves to the protection of the citizens’ lives and health with absolute loyalty to the order of the Party Central Committee and unconditional love and dedication to the people.” KJU hoped “they who performed brilliant merits on the forefront for defending the people would continue to work faithfully as able field medics and renowned field doctors reliably defending our precious socialist country where our people live in good health free from any disease.”

The KPA medics “hardened their strong resolve to more fully display the invincible fighting strength and heroic stamina of the great Kim Jong Un revolutionary army at every theater of sacred struggle for national defense and the most comprehensive development of Korean-style socialism, regarding his special trust and warm, true heart at the most precious asset in their lives, always serving the country and the people.”

KJU then had a separate commemorative photo session with the KPA medics outside the 25 April House of Culture. When KJU came out to the photo-op venue paid “the highest tribute to him who performed undying great exploits to shine forever in the history of the country by shouldering the fatal national crisis in the unprecedented great turmoil and leading the grave anti-epidemic war to great victory with his rare wisdom, superhuman energy and distinguished guidance.”

KJU “warmly waved back to the reliable and stout front line medics, combat heroes who demonstrated to the world their heroic stamina in the top-level emergency anti-epidemic campaign for protecting the precious life and existence and future of our people.” He expressed his conviction that “the brilliant merits of the detached corps members of the Party Central Committee, who defused the unprecedented health crisis in the van and devotedly defended our people’s trust in the great Party and the precious tradition of army-people unity, would remain forever in the memory of the country and the people, along with the history of victory in the great anti-epidemic campaign.”

The KPA medics “hardened their firm will to fulfill their honorable mission and duty as the revolutionary army medics of the Workers’ Part of Korea in their struggle for prosperity of our great state and welfare of our great people with the same spirit and stamina as they won a victory in the anti-epidemic campaign for the capital city, cherishing deeper in their minds the immutable truth that have nothing to fear and are sure to win as there is the invincible leadership of the great Party Central Committee.”