What economic issues will the WPK politburo discuss?

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein

The WPK politburo is meeting (or already met?) Wednesday August 19th, today, to discuss economic and military issues of “crucial significance in developing the Korean revolution and increasing the fighting efficiency of the party.”

At the present time of writing, it has not been reported or hinted at what these issues might be. I personally would not be surprised if perhaps another struggle campaign is afoot. “Battles” and the like for harvests and overall economic production are common in North Korea, as they were in other communist countries.

This essentially entails people having to take hours and hours after work to go “volunteer” at fields, construction sites and the like. It’s an easy, blanket solution to economic problems. They of course solve nothing in the long run, but may push a bit of extra production in a situation where the regime has few immediate alternatives.

At this point, speculation is quite useless in any case. Soon we will probably know more about what these issues are.

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