Gilbert Rozman
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Gilbert Rozman is the editor-in-chief of The Asan Forum, a bi-monthly online journal on international relations in the Asia-Pacific region. He is also the Emeritus Musgrave Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, where he spent 43 years on the faculty. He majored in Chinese and Russian studies at Carleton College after a junior year in the Critical Languages program at Princeton, wrote his Ph.D dissertation on China and Japan at Princeton, and entered Korean studies while twice serving as a visiting professor in Seoul. His research on Russian/Soviet views of Asia began in a half-year stay at Moscow State University, continued with a research trip and report for a bi-national commission on Soviet studies of China, expanded to Soviet studies of Japan, and later Russian studies of Korea as well. A 2014 monograph is entitled The Sino-Russian Challenge to the World Order: National Identities, Bilateral Relations, and East vs. West in the 2010s.