Call for Applications: 38 North Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program


38 North is a program at the Henry L. Stimson Center, a nonpartisan policy and research organization focused on international security issues, based in Washington, DC. 38 North is an authoritative source of policy and technical issues regarding North Korea’s internal and external affairs. It aims to facilitate an informed public policy debate about peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and provide policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders with data and insights that may enhance understanding of one of the world’s most complex security dilemmas. 

For three decades, Stimson has been a leading voice on urgent global issues. Founded in the twilight years of the Cold War, the Stimson Center pioneered practical new steps toward stability and security in an uncertain world. Today, as changes in power and technology usher in a challenging new era, Stimson is at the forefront: Engaging new voices, generating innovative ideas and analysis, and building solutions to promote international security, prosperity, and justice. 

For more information about Stimson, visit 


The goal of our program, “38 North Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program,” is to cultivate a next generation of North Korea analysts by pairing mentors with fellows to equip emerging scholars to think critically about the challenges that exist today in studying North Korea. Through one-on-one training sessions between fellows and mentors, we aim to facilitate much needed knowledge transfer from senior scholars to the next generations in the areas of the selected fellows’ interest. 

This program is a deliberate effort to normalize intergenerational discourse over the typical “senior policy experts only” discussions that are prevalent on these issues. While some programs have allowed for emerging scholars to “observe” senior policy discussions, this program aims to integrate up-and-coming experts in more meaningful ways—as speakers, discussants, and active participants—and increase the public visibility of emerging voices.  

Selected fellows will be expected to: 

  • Participate in at least six total meetings with their mentor and submit written reflection notes after each meeting; 
  • Write and publish at least one article on the 38 North website; 
  • Participate in one public virtual event in 2025 to present their findings and issues pertinent to their field of interest; and 
  • Attend an in-person, two-day workshop in Washington, DC in spring 2026 to share findings with their peer group and participate in discussions with government, military and other stakeholders and allow further reflection on the program and their experiences working with the mentors. 


We encourage applicants from all over the world. Eligible candidates must: 

  • Be a graduate student, recent graduate, or young professional under 35 years of age; 
  • Be fluent in English; and 
  • Have a demonstrated interest in a career in the region. 

Korean proficiency is a plus, not a requirement. 


We are inviting all eligible candidates to submit applications to Kaitlyn King at [email protected] by 6:00 p.m. US Eastern Time on Monday, May 20, 2024. Applications must include: 

  • Statement of interest explaining relevant experience, research areas of interest, and what you hope to gain from participating in the program (500 words max); 
  • A resumé or CV; 
  • One recommendation letter, submitted by the recommender directly to Kaitlyn King at [email protected]; and 
  • List recent publications (if applicable). 

Selected candidates will be notified by June 3, 2024. 


If you have further questions, please email Kaitlyn King at [email protected]