Join the Stimson Center for a discussion of the 2024 NATO Summit’s key outcomes, takeaways, and opportunities looking ahead, followed by a special appearance by Honorable Nobutaka Kanehara, former Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japan National Security Secretariat.

This expert panel will reflect on the NATO Summit and assess its implications for the evolving relationship between NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners. What insights does the summit provide on the outlook for a NATO role in the Indo-Pacific? What are the drivers and opportunities for expanding cooperation? What factors might constrain further alignment or partnership?

Join us for a panel discussion by Stimson experts, followed by a special guest appearance by Honorable Nobukatsu Kanehara, former Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary of National Security Secretariat during the Abe administration, to discuss Japan’s deepening relationship with NATO.


  • Yuki Tatsumi
    Yuki Tatsumi

    Senior Fellow and Director, Japan Program || Stimson Center


  • Jenny Town
    Jenny Town

    Senior Fellow and Director || Korea Program and 38 North

  • Kelly A. Greico
    Kelly A. Greico

    Senior Fellow, Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program || Stimson Center

  • Nobukatsu Kanehara
    Nobukatsu Kanehara

    Executive Director || Sasakawa Peace Foundation