Request for Proposals–Research, Translation, and Logistics Services Needed

Henry L. Stimson Center
38 North
1211 Connecticut Ave. NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Natalia Slavney, Research Associate & Assistant Editor, 38 North
[email protected].


38 North is a program at the Henry L. Stimson Center, a nonpartisan policy and research organization focused on international security issues, based in Washington, DC. 38 North is an authoritative source of information and analysis about the DPRK’s internal and external affairs. Given the inherent dangers of conflict on the Korean Peninsula, an informed public debate on issues related to North Korea can reduce the risks of misperception and miscalculation. 38 North’s focused efforts help ensure that high-quality research, analysis and data resources are available to policymakers and practitioners working to solve one of the most complex security dilemmas facing the world today.

For three decades, Stimson has been a leading voice on urgent global issues. Founded in the twilight years of the Cold War, the Stimson Center pioneered practical new steps toward stability and security in an uncertain world. Today, as changes in power and technology usher in a challenging new era, Stimson is at the forefront: Engaging new voices, generating innovative ideas and analysis, and building solutions to promote international security, prosperity, and justice.

For more information about Stimson, visit


The project will research the current use of technology in North Korea and potential future directions based on North Korean state and affiliated media, university and scientific journals, and North Korean laws and regulations, as well as interviews of relevant subjects.

Contractors will be expected to:

  • Translate materials into English
  • Conduct interviews of relevant subjects in South Korea (mainly in Korean)
  • Assist with on-the-ground logistics and planning for two separate trips to South Korea
  • Contribute to analysis of translated materials and interviews


38 North expects contractor to begin translation work in mid-February 2022. The project is grant-funded. Contract period is from February 2022 to January 2023, with option for renewal.


We are inviting proposals from experienced individuals by COB on January 31, 2022. Please submit proposals to Natalia Slavney, Research Associate & Assistant Editor, at [email protected]. Proposals for services must include:

  • A brief summary of relevant experience, including any specific North Korean-to-English translation work
  • A budget estimate (please detail your hourly rate, as well as your weekly availability)
  • CV
  • Contacts for 2-3 references for the research and translation services previously conducted
  • Two short samples of translation work (provide original text in Korean and translation to English)

Selection will be completed by February 14, 2022.


  • Samples of past translation work from Korean to English, especially North Korean-to-English work
  • Past experience/familiarity with North Korean media preferred
  • Home base in South Korea preferred
  • Availability of an average of 20 hours/week through the full contract period


  • If not based in South Korea, will be responsible for all travel and accommodations for two separate trips to South Korea (airfare, lodging, meals, etc.)
  • Unforeseen restrictions due to COVID-19


If you have further questions, please email Natalia Slavney, Research Associate & Assistant Editor, at [email protected].