DPRK S&T Journals
Studying North Korea’s academic journals can provide valuable insights into the country’s thoughts about its own trajectory—what ideas are being explored, tested and supported. They may also shed light on debate among scientists and academics regarding the pros and cons of various policies and science and technology (S&T) initiatives. Unfortunately, many of these journals are published only in Korean and can be difficult to obtain outside of the country.
As part of ongoing research on North Korea’s S&T pursuits, 38 North’s Nonresident Fellow Stephen Mercado has created backgrounders for each of the 41 related journals—characterizing what topics they cover and who publishes them—and a running list is archived below. These profiles are based on digital copies of the journals accessed via Tokyo-based DPR Korea Media (Korean Press Media or KPM).
Agricultural Irrigation
- Title in Korean: 농업수리화 / Nongop Surihwa
Analysis (a journal of analytical chemistry)
- Title in Korean: 분석 / Punsok
Basic Medicine
- Title in Korean: 기초의학 / Kicho Uihak
- Title in Korean: 생물학 / Saengmurhak
Bulletin of Forestry Science and Technology
- Title in Korean: 산림과학기술통보 / Sallim Kwahak Kisul Tongbo
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, DPR Korea
- Title in Korean: 조선민주주의인민공화국 과학원통보 / Choson Minjujui Inmin Konghwaguk Kwahagwon Tongbo
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Title in Korean: 화학과 화학공학/ Hwahak kwa Hwahak Konghak
Computer and Program Technology
- Title in Korean: 콤퓨터와 프로그람기술 / Kompyuto wa Puroguram Kisul
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Official Journal of Invention
- Title in Korean: 조선민주주의인민공화 / Choson Minjujui Inmin Konghwaguk Palmyong Kongbo
Dentistry, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology
- Title in Korean: 치과, 안과, 이비인후과 / Chigwa, Angwa, Ibiinhugwa
Electricity, Automation Engineering
- Title in Korean: 전기, 자동화공학 / Chongi, Chadonghwa Konghak
- Title in Korean: 전자공학 / Chonja Konghak
Forest Sciences
- Title in Korean: 산림과학 / Sallim Kwahak
Geologic and Geographic Science
- Title in Korean: 지질및 지리과학 / Chijil mit Chiri Kwahak
Information Science
- Title in Korean: 정보과학 / Chongbo Kwahak
Information Science and Technology
- Title in Korean: 정보과학과 기술 / Chongbo Kwahak kwa Kisul
Internal Medicine
- Title in Korean: 내과 / Naegwa
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Chemistry
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 화학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Hwahak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Geoenvironmental Science and Geology
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 지구환경및 지질학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Chigu Hwangyong mit Chijilhak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Information Science
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 정보과학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Chongbo Kwahak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Life Science
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 생명과학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Saengmyong Kwahak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Mathematics
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 수학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Suhak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Natural Science
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 자연과학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Chayon Kwahak
Journal of Kim Il Sung University: Physics
- Title in Korean: 김일성종합대학. 물리학 / Kim Il Song Chonghap Taehak Hakpo. Mullihak
Korean Architecture
- Title in Korean: 조선건축 / Choson Konchuk
Korean Medicine
- Title in Korean: 조선의학 / Choson Uihak
Korean Pharmacology
- Title in Korean: 조선약학 / Choson Yakhak
Koryo Medicine
- Title in Korean: 고려의학 / Koryo Uihak
Light Industry Science
- Title in Korean: 경공업과학 / Kyonggongop Kwahak
- Title in Korean: 수학 / Suhak
Measuring Science and Standardization
- Title in Korean: 계량및 규격화 / Kyeryang mit Kyugyokhwa
Mechanical Engineering
- Title in Korean: 기계공학 / Kigye Konghak
- Title in Korean: 금속 / Kumsok
Meteorology and Hydrology
- Title in Korean: 기상과 수문 / Kisang kwa Sumun
Mining Engineering
- Title in Korean: 채굴공학 / Chaegul Konghak
Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Title in Korean: 소아, 산부 인과 / Soa, Sanbu Ingwa
- Title in Korean: 물리 / Mulli
Preventive Medicine
- Title in Korean: 예방의학 / Yebang Uihak
- Title in Korean: 외과 / Oekwa
Technical Innovation
- Title in Korean: 기술혁신 / Kisul Hyoksin
World of Science
- Title in Korean: 과학의 세계 / Kwahak ui Segye
38 NORTH PUBLICATIONS Referencing the Translations
- “North Korea’s Science and Technology Journals: Getting to Know the Scholars (Part 1),” Stephen Mercado, June 9, 2022
- “North Korea’s Science and Technology Journals: Getting to Know the Scholars (Part 2),” Stephen Mercado, June 16, 2022