
William R. McKinney

William R. McKinney is a regular contributor to 38 North. Mr. McKinney (Colonel, US Army, Ret.) was formerly the Senior Country Director for the Korea; Northeast Asia Policy Division, HQ, US Pacific Command (USPACOM). He also supported USPACOM missions as the Director of the DPRK Strategic Focus Group (SFG), a mini-think tank focused on strategy and policy toward North Korea. From 2002 to 2005 he served in the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) as one of the American Representatives in North Korea, exercising general supervision over the Light Water Reactor project. With over 50 years of experience in Asian Affairs, Mr. McKinney has provided his analysis and insight to the US government, international organizations and private businesses. Mr. McKinney holds a MA in Political Science from the University of Colorado, majoring in international relations, and a BS from the US Military Academy. He also graduated from the US Army War College and Korean Army Staff College.